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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

BenDeLaCreme, a veces llamada BenDeLa o DeLa, es una artista drag conocida por ser concursante de la sexta temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race, donde consiguió el título de Miss Simpatía a través de los votos de los fans.

Más tarde regresó para competir en la tercera temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, donde tras haber ganado cinco retos, abandonó.

Origen de su nombre drag[]

BenDeLaCreme comenzó con un nombre drag completamente diferente. Anteriormente, actuaba bajo el nombre de Teena Angst. Eventualmente, lo cambió a BenDeLaCreme. El nombre combina su nombre real, Ben, y es un juego de palabras con la frase "Creme De La Creme", que significa "lo mejor de lo mejor".


RPDR T6 All Stars T3
Miss Simpatía

Maxi retos ganados: 2 (Eps. 1, 5) 5 (Eps. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
Mini retos ganados: 2 (Eps. 4, 9) 1 (Ep. 1)
Veces como capitana: 1 (Ep. 4) 0
Veces nominada: 2 (Eps. 7, 11) 0
Episodio eliminada: Episodio 11 Episodio 6

Frases memorables[]

RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 6)[]

  • "Hi everybody! It's me, BenDeLaCreme!" (frase de entrada)
  • "DeLa for short, De for shorter, Ms. Creme if you're nasty!"
  • "This is DeLa to the Crem-a, I'm the fatal femme. But I got the candy coating, so they call me Creminem. That's cream au français, voulez want to couche? I back four fly ladies who will be coming your way." (verso en "Oh No She Better Don't")
  • "Bianca's hard to imitate because I don't listen to her."
  • "Don't fear the drag queen, fear the devil inside the drag queen."
  • "Barf."
  • "I'M NOT GOING HOME!" (a Darienne Lake en el Untucked)

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 3)[]

  • "So sweet! YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT YOU." (en la promo)
  • "Hi everyone! It's me, BenDeLaCreme! ...Again." (frase de entrada)
  • "It's a kinda crappy world, and it sucks. There's bigotry, the GOP and misplaced tucks. So smear your lipstick on in the shape of a smile. If you hate it, fake it, make it into something less vile." (verso en "Drag Up Your Life")
  • "Thanks for letting me be my kind of winner."
  • "I'm going home."

Mensaje de despedida[]

RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 6)[]

"Dear top 4- howz it going? I'm doing pretty good. Sometimes you have to have Mama Ru yell atcha a bunch of times before it sinks in. I guess I never reached that number of times, Darian. I knew the second I was up against you i waz out the door. You get it lady. I wish you all the luck in the world and only harbor enough resentment to write a long pointless message that you will have to clean and clean and clean and clean. But fo real tho you girlz are my heroes. XX BDLC"

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 3)[]

"Dear New Top 5, Thank you so much for this incredible Journey. Stay fierce you all deserve a crown. Your friendship and respect is the best win I can imagine Xo BDLC"



RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 6)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 7)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 3)[]


Enlaces externos[]


  1. (ENPublicación de @bendelacreme | Instagram — 24 de septiembre de 2023

