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En el episodio 6 de su temporada, Gabriella reveló que obtuvo su nombre drag de una amiga con la que asistió a un festival, quien fumó un porro y dijo: "I feel like Gabriella Labucci smoking this". Más tarde, buscó el nombre en Google y se dio cuenta de que esa persona no existía, así que se quedó con el nombre para sí misma.
Down Under T3
2ª (Finalista)
Maxi retos ganados:
1 (Ep. 3)
Mini retos ganados:
2 (Eps. 2, 4)
Veces como capitana:
Veces nominada:
2 (Eps. 6, 7)
Episodio eliminada:
Episodio 8
Frases memorables[]
RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (Temporada 3)[]
"Smells like fart in here!" (frase de entrada)
"Gabriella is- she's a dickhead. No, actually scratch that. She's a flaccid dickhead."
"I take my drag incredibly seriously, but also not seriously at all. Like, I'm here for a good time and a long time. Hopefully."
"G-A-B-R, it's too long to spell but I'm super talented, can't you tell? I'm the regional queen that deserves to be seen by hundreds and thousands, I'm keen!" (verso en "Mardi Gras")
"On my bike I got my tar then got a can held in my hand. Let me tell these other-muckers that exercise is not my thing. Gab just wants to have some fun. I don't like being in the sun. Oh my god, is this song done? Now it's time, the chorus begun." (verso en "BMX Bitches")
"I used to be someone that I'm not today. I'd sit inside my room and hide away. Too much inside my head, sometimes I wish that I was dead. But now diagnosed, I'm here to stay!" (verso en "Crying On The Dance Floor")