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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

Hannah Conda es una artista drag y una de las concursantes de la segunda temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under.

Más tarde, regresaría para competir en la segunda temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World.

Origen de su nombre drag[]

Su nombre drag puede ser un juego de palabras con la serpiente "anaconda", o la canción del mismo nombre de Nicki Minaj.


Down Under T2 UKvsTW T2
Puesto: 2ª/3ª

Maxi retos ganados: 3 (Eps. 4, 5, 6) 3 (Eps. 4, 6, 7)
Mini retos ganados: 0 1 (Ep. 7)
Veces como capitana: 0 0
Veces nominada: 1 (Ep. 7) 0
Episodio eliminada: Episodio 8 Episodio 8

Frases memorables[]

RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (Temporada 2)[]

  • "When you're down under, watch out for snakes!" (frase de entrada)
  • "I'll wipe my tears with my $5,000 prize."
  • "I've rapped before... a lot of presents at Christmas time."
  • "I just farted. Let's go."
  • "If you don't have a tension headache after wearing a wig, are you even wearing a wig?"
  • "You look like a palm tree, Spankie Jackzon."
  • "Tits out for the Gold Coast!" (sobre la pasarela de Molly)
  • "Little Han's in the room and y'all gonna hear her, I'm the shit, take a whiff 'cause I'm gonna read ya, Mama Ru brought us here, the best from down under but girls look out, I gotta feel my thunder, a brush through your wig wouldn't go astray, a little more makeup you could applicate, get yourself together, it's the big leagues now, if you wanna sit and cry you can get the fuck out!" (verso en "Bosom Buddies")
  • "Welcome to the snake pit, it's a place of love, it's time to embrace it, I'm Hannah Conda, queen of this castle, everyone is welcome, no time to be hateful, life is a journey, you'll make mistakes but shed off that skin, you can carry that weight, be the best you can be 'cause when you find your magic you'll be set free!" (verso en "Who is She?")

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2)[]

  • "Watch out, Kylie... Your Disco won't need you soon." (en el Meet the Queens)
  • "This little snake is gonna slither into your heart and slay the game." (en el Meet the Queens)
  • "I have a feeling we're not in Oz anymore. But you girls are going to click your heels three times because you're going home." (frase de entrada)
  • "I hope that me laughing into the ear of a sheep will make RuPaul keep me."



RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (Temporada 2)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2)[]




Año Título Rol Notas Ref.
2022 RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (2ª/3ª)
2024 RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (2ª) [5]

Enlaces externos[]


  1. (EN{{{title}}} | {{{pub}}}
  2. (ENPublicación de @hannahcondaofficial | Instagram — 13 de julio de 2018
  3. 3,0 3,1 Perfil de @hannahcondaofficial | Instagram
  4. (ENPublicación de @hannahcondaofficial | Instagram — 12 de septiembre de 2022
  5. (ENRuPaul’s Drag Race UK Versus The World 2024 Queens Revealed | BBC — 13 de enero de 2024

