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"Loosey" viene de un homenaje a la actriz y comediante estadounidense Lucille Ball, y "LaDuca" de la marca de moda LaDuca Shoes.
Maxi retos ganados:
2 (Ep. 4, 11)
Mini retos ganados:
3 (Eps. 1, 5, 13)
Veces como capitana:
Veces nominada:
2 (Eps. 12, 13)
Episodio eliminada:
Episodio 13
Frases memorables[]
RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 15)[]
"Oh Loosey, you've got some slaying to do! Oh!" (frase de entrada)
"My name's Loosey LaDuca. I'm a construction worker by day, and a drag queen at night. I go through a lot of duct tape."
"I'm known for my live singing, my quick wit, and my man hands."
"No, bitch, get over here."
"They look like Romy and Michele on an acid trip."
"Mistress is the biggest transformation. She goes from a glamorous Texas drag queen to the owner of a pizzeria."
"Let loose! I said let loose!" (durante el show de talentos)
"I don't want to say ‘prove them wrong' because that sounds kind of bitter, but I want to prove them wrong."
"Mistress, you can take the Rosie O'Donnell mug off, Snatch Game is over."
"I'm going to be as gay as they come, and with Salina in the room, that's really hard."
"You should commit to the name Malaysia and disappear like that flight."
"I think we can all agree when I say, Yolanda shot the wrong Selena."
"Now, I know we all read her for those kitten heels, but it's not her fault! They start off as stilettos."
"Honestly, working with tools makes me feel like I'm at home. But enough about the other girls."
"I am serving drunk aunt at the beach bungalow realness."
"Older the berry, the sweeter the juice. All the younger men want a chance to let loose. These other stank hoes trying to get real slick, but if you're talking trash, you're gonna get the stick. The trade keeps coming asking me what's up, but they can't take it when I fall and I can't get up! All I need are my girls and my butterscotch. Wanna know what time it is? Bitch, check the watch." (verso en "Golden Hips")
"Oh my god, bitch, that is not a part of the Keto diet."
"See, you're not a complete bitch."
"Just make sure to tell them I wasn't just a great set of boobs. I'm also an incredible set of legs." (frase de salida)
"I may have been cut before the finale, but Loosey is the new winning." (durante la reunión)
Mensaje de despedida[]
"Das f*ked up! Love you hookers. Don't forget to Let Loose! xoxo Loosey."
Fuera de hacer drag, Loosey trabaja en construcción, habiendo comenzado su trabajo allí alrededor de la misma época en que comenzó a hacer drag. Reveló en su entrevista de Whatcha Packin' que dejaría su trabajo para hacer drag a tiempo completo después de competir en Drag Race.[2]
RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 15)[]
Mini promo
Promo de la cuenta atrás
Sesión de fotos motos al viento
"Photobomb" de momentos icónicos de Drag Race − con Serena ChaCha
Look de la promo
Look del
Look de la entrevista de la Press Week
Look del Museo Brooklyn
Look del estreno
Look del confesional
Look de entrada
Look de la actuación de 'One Night Only'
Look del show de talentos
Look de 'Who is She?'
Look de 'Metallica'
Look del Snatch Game − Joan Rivers
Look de 'Beautiful Nightmare'
Look de 'Drag Race Fashion Week' − House of Mathews
Look de la actuación de "Old Friends Gold" − Ol' Dirty Bitches
Look de 'Tie-dye to Die For'
Look de 'Puffer Please!'
Look de 'Lipsync Assassin Drag'
Look de 'Start Your Engines'
Look de 'My Favorite Ball' − The Bag Ball
Look de 'Crystallized Eleganza'
Look de 'Night of 1000 Beyoncés' − Premios MTV Video Music 2011
Look de 'Rip Her to Shreds'
Look de 'Everybody Say Glove!'
Look de 'Drag Family Resemblance' − con LaLa LaDuca