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"You win some, you lose some, but I plan on winning most."
"Since I couldn't gag the girls from the club, I gagged them from their living room couches." (sobre actuar en cuarentena)
"It's going to be a competition of who can out-obscure the obscurest."
"Somebody is going home tonight. Not me though."
"People don't wear hats enough. Maybe they do, I don't pay attention."
"I have a feeling that bitch would shit in somebody's station; maybe in my 40-inch wig."
"Come on, paisley print!"
"I was like, who's Luxxamillion?" (en respuesta al apodo de Anetra)
"In my professional opinion, you are wearing just enough makeup."
"No, because she didn't do that good of a job." (sobre si se sentía nerviosa por el Snatch Game, ya que Trinity había interpretado a Amanda Lepore anteriormente)
"Another girl with be packing her bags and saying sayonara. Oh, that sounded a little too happy."
"Lookin' good and feelin' fine! We don't need men, they waste our time. When honestly, we don't have that much time left. Down there is dry, just like our wine. And like our wine, we're agein' fine! 'Cause we don't let these boys get us stressed!" (verso en "Golden Hips")
"Bob walked onto her first runway purse first, and Aura left that runway cursed first."
"Honestly, I am a little very gagged."
"The fiercer they are, the harder they fall."
"Why weren't you pregnant, though?" (sobre la pasarela de Loosey LaDuca de 'Night of 1000 Beyoncés')
"Because I feel like if you're pregnant, you should be pregnant." (sobre la pasarela de Loosey LaDuca de 'Night of 1000 Beyoncés')
"I'm not insulting her because she was pregnant, I'm insulting you 'cause you had a corset on."
"I don't... I don't really see that." (sobre Loosey LaDuca queriendo el papel principal)
"Looking just like a dream, mug so fierce it be causing a scene, when I step on the runway, you already know all eyes on me. Ate these bitches left no crumbs, did it in designer pumps, so when they ask about Luxx, let 'em know that she's the one." (verso en "Blame It On The Edit")
"I didn't ask to be the beauty standard, I was just born this way." (durante la reunión)