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"Océane" y "Aqua" provienen de que el agua es su elemento favorito, mientras que "Black" se refiere a su tono de piel.[3]
Canada T2
Maxi retos ganados:
Mini retos ganados:
1 (Ep. 2)
Veces como capitana:
Veces nominada:
1 (Ep. 2)
Episodio eliminada:
Episodio 2
Frases memorables[]
Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)[]
"Aah! Salut, gang de laides! Oh, the ocean is rising and she is so salty!" (frase de entrada)
"I say whatever I want, when I want, and I don't apologize for it."
"Océane doesn't wanna jump into this ocean."
"I jump into this foam pit, and I hear this cracking, and, girl, bang, it's my knee."
"I may have hurt myself, but I'm here to win this damn competition, and my knees won't stop me."
"I'm not leaving, bitch! [risa]"
"I put more work into my persona than to say that ha, ha, ha I'm beautiful."
"I'm walking down the runway with my broken knee. I wanna show to the judges that even if life throws lemon, I can still make lemonade."
"Look at that outfit! She is holding her shoe, she has her lipstick all over her face because she kissed every guy at the club, She's just a mess. [risa]"
"Oh my god! Oh, such a relief. I'm SAFE, ha ha, in the design challenge!"
"So now I get to go home and eat some cheeseburgers." (frase de salida)
"The ocean is rising and she's coming to a city near you, and you're gonna be swallowed. [risa]"
Mensaje de despedida[]
"Thanks for this amazing time with you girls Love you Icesis. Snatch that crown I hope to see you all succeed. Eve you're sexy, give me your number. Stephanie be careful how you come across when you talk to people Love you though x Gia omg that bulge!!!!!"
La canción favorita de Océane para hacer lip sync es "Accept Me" de Vernessa Mitchell.[6]