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Priyanka, también conocida profesionalmente como Mark Sukanan,[3] es una artista drag y una de las concursantes de la primera temporada de Canada's Drag Race.
Priyanka fue coronada como la primera Superestrella Drag de Canadá en la final.
"Priyanka" es un nombre femenino popular en las culturas hindú y budista. También es el nombre de la actriz india Priyanka Chopra.
Canada T1
1ª (Ganadora)
Maxi retos ganados:
2 (Eps. 3, 8)
Mini retos ganados:
1 (Ep. 3)
Veces como capitana:
1 (Ep. 3)
Veces nominada:
2 (Eps. 5, 7)
Episodio eliminada:
Frases memorables
Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 1)
"My name is Priyanka. What's my name? [mueve el signo de interrogación en su atuendo] Do you love me?" (entrance quote)
"I can't believe I'm here! AAAHHH!"
"I've only been doing drag for two years, but you wouldn't know that, because I'm an icon."
"If you came to a Priyanka show, you would see, good hair, a really shiny costume, a lot of dancing, and I'd probably end up making out with you. I think that sounds like a good time, doesn't it?"
"I didn't even see the maple leaf!"
"I'm up there, on the mountain, feeling my oats, then, WHAT?!" (durante el primer mini reto)
"Today is National Arriving On Time Day, or as drag queens call it, tomorrow."
"Aw shit! I need some more vodka."
"Shut up Nancy!"
"Anyone can have a single on iTunes."
"Ilona's having a full panic attack, BoBo's crying, Starzy hasn't even danced yet, and Rita went back to Québec!"
"Hi, it's me, Priyanka, what's my name, name? Toronto voted me the best, got this fame, fame. Hi Canada, did you get my name?. Not a copycat fish, did you get my name?. It's me and my girls serving you spectacles. Other girls? Forgettable." (verso en "Not Sorry Aboot It")
"I'm sitting there, looking around, being like 'Oh, all these girls are gonna come up with funny answers, what am I gonna do?'"
"All I'm thinking, 'Just perform the song, and show the world why you make everybody say your name, Priyanka.'"
"I am here wondering if I have a job after this competition, and these bitches are like fighting like two senior citizens that have been in the home for too long! Like, pardon me! Excuse me, ladies! I'm going through something here!" (sobre la pelea de Rita y Jimbo)
"Beyoncé's in the building! Watch out!"
"What's happening up in the room here? BoBo is dressing up like Lemon, Rita is dressing up like Jimbo, and then Jimbo is dressing her girl like Lady Gaga. Jimbo you don't look like Lady Gaga, you're a clown."
"I'm scared, I'm scared for my career."
"You're telling me that you used to paint your friends all the time. You painted them so you could be the pretty one in the room!" (sobre el makeover de Lemon)
"It happens every season on Drag Race, how do you bitches not know how to paint somebody else?"
"These are like all the boys who blocked me on Grindr."
"Good, it's an intervention."
"Am I a singer? Am I killing it?"
"It's actually funny that I'm singing this all slow and sexy, because I'm actually making fun of myself."
"If you can't make fun of yourself, how in the hell you gonna make fun of anyone else. Can I get an amen?"
"Just be gay!"
"It's time for choreo with Hollywood Jade and Brooke Lynn's here too!"
"What the hell is Rita Baga wearing to this rehearsal? It's not The Matrix!"
"I have never been more confused, and I've been in the closet twice!"
"I wear my heart on my sleeve and on my face."
"Let's gossip and giggle."
"Question, Who was the first-ever queen to walk into Drag Race north of the scene? Question, what was the name of the queen who went from Toronto to North Supreme? Answer, you know who it's gonna be (it's Priyanka!) Hi, it's me, Pri. I had a vision Miss Priyanka read your mind (Call me now!). I know you're thinking that call declined. You're feeling like a mess. Might give you stress. Just own your best in a paper dress. Wear it well. Even when you fell. Just grab your cup and get back up. Cheers to you don't feel no shame, and one last question, what's my name?" (verso en "U Wear It Well")
"All the eliminated queens are here! Oh my god! I hope they didn't hear what I said about them."
"I'm living proof that hard work pays off, and that even when you make mistakes, you can still be a winner. For the kids at home watching, I know you're used to watching me somewhere else, but now I'm here, and mama's home! Oh, and one more thing... WHAT'S MY NAME!?" (tras ganar)
"I'm Canada's first ever drag superstar! God! I'm rich!"
Priyanka se graduó del programa de radiodifusión de Niagara College.
Antes de comenzar a ser drag, Priyanka fue presentadora en "The Zone" de YTV y en concurso de canto adolescente canadiense "The Next Star".
Había hecho drag durante 2 años antes de participar en Canada's Drag Race.
Comenzó a hacer drag en su fiesta de 26ª cumpleaños.
Priyanka es la segunda ganadora, que no sea de RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, en ganar una temporada estando nominada al lip sync más de una vez (la primera fue Angele Anang).
Excluyendo a los ganadoras de Drag Race Thailand, Priyanka es la segunda ganadora asiático en ganar después de Raja, que es indonesia.
Priyanka es la tercera ganadora en la franquicia en estar nominada al lip sync en el Snatch Game, después de Yvie Oddly y Trixie Mattel, y la segunda en una temporada regular. Sin embargo, también es la primera en una temporada internacional.
Priyanka es la primera concursante de Canada's Drag Race en estar en The Pit Stop y la segunda concursante internacional después de The Vivienne de RuPaul's Drag Race UK.
Junto a Brooke Lynn Hytes, Priyanka presenta el podcast Famous This Week, así como el podcast The Official RuPaul's Drag Race Podcast junto a Alec Mapa.
Priyanka es la primera concursante internacional en tener un video "Out of the Closet".
La segunda opción de Priyanka para el Snatch Game era Miranda Sings.[4]
Priyanka es la primera y actualmente la única Lip Sync Assassin que no ha competido en una temporada juzgada por RuPaul.
Priyanka, junto a Lemon, son las primeras exconcursantes que luego tienen una de sus canciones utilizadas como canción de lip sync. Su canción "Come Through" fue utilizada como la canción de lip sync en el episodio 4 de la temporada 4 de Canada's Drag Race.
Priyanka fue agregada al Pase de Temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar en julio de 2024, junto con la etiqueta "Extra".
Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 1)
Mini promo
Mini tráiler
Sesión de fotos con ventisca
Promo #TeamPriyanka
Promo #TeamPriyanka
Publicación de felicitación para Priyanka
Priyanka coronada
Look de la promo
Look del confesional
Look de entrada
Look de 'Canuck Couture Fantasy'
Look de 'Not My First Time'
Look de 'Québec-ky With The Good Hair'
Look de 'Single Use Queens' – Metal
Look del Snatch Game – Miss Cleo
Look de 'Night of a 1000 Céline Dions' – Vestido de boda, 1994
Look de 'Night of a 1000 Céline Dions' (reveal) – Premios Billboard Music, 2016
Look de 'Canadian Tux-She-Do: Denim on Denim on Denim'
Look de 'Pageant Perfection'
Look de 'A Family Affair' - con Elektra
Look de 'Executive Holiday Party Realness'
Look de 'Icy Walk of Shame'
Look de 'Ice Queen Eleganza'
Look de la actuación de "U Wear It Well"
Look de 'Coronation Eleganza'
Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)
Look de la sesión de fotos
Look de sucesión
Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs The World (Temporada 1)