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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

Pythia es una artista drag y una de las concursantes de la segunda temporada de Canada's Drag Race.

En julio de 2024, Pythia fue anunciada como una de las concursantes de la primera temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars.

Origen de su nombre drag[]

"I am named Pythia after the ancient Greek oracle of the God of Art, Apollo! She was a very respectable and powerful woman of her time and I really wanted to embody everything she stands for with my drag art."[2]


Canada T2 Global T1
Puesto: 2ª/3ª (Finalista) TBA
Maxi retos ganados: 2 (Eps. 2, 8) 1 (Ep. 3)
Mini retos ganados: 0 TBA
Veces como capitana: 0 TBA
Veces nominada: 0 TBA
Episodio eliminada: Episodio 10 TBA

Frases memorables[]

Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)[]

  • "Let's have tzatziki, motherfucker." (frase de entrada)
  • "It doesn't matter how they say it, as long as they get out of my way, because that crown is mine."
  • "It's Ru-motherfucking-Paul. She's talking to me right now, What?"
  • "It is me who causes my most problems in my life."
  • "You must kill her!"
  • "You had the wickedest bitch of the Wild Wild West. Now you want me back? Boy, I couldn't care less. You messed with the bull, you'll get the horns. So go cry about it to your other hoes. Didn't see my light, the magic's fading. The spell is broken, tired of waiting. Now's the time I put myself on top. Time to say, goodbye flop!" (verso en "Bye Flop")
  • "You're not laughing? Well, you know what? We weren't laughing with your Snatch Game either."
  • "I just wanna crawl under my big bustle and just stay there."
  • "If I'm gonna lip-sync tonight, they should be worried. I have four legs, I can trip a bitch."
  • "Does it look like a turkey?"
  • "I'm so sorry. I'm pulling a Gia." (trtas ganar el maxi reto en el episodio 8)
  • "He's a lizard person. I know it." (sobre Hollywood Jade)
  • "I would pray for relief or of my miracle to be fixed somehow. And I wish I could grab my younger self on the shoulder and shake him and be like: 'Your prayers are not being answered because there is absolutely nothing wrong with you'." (cuando habló de su viaje para llegar a la final)
  • "P-Y-T-H-I-A, it's pronounced Pythia and I'm here to slay. Abra Cadabra. Magical, mystical. Grecian goddess, I am irresistable. Cutest wich around with a burning passion. She kooky, she spooky, but she's making it fashion. The sky's the limit? Well honey, you're wrong. 'Cause I've climbed the limits, and I've gone beyond. Don't fit in your boxes, labels, or rules. Gender is over, deal with it fools. North, South, East, West. I rule them all, 'cause I am the best!" (verso en "Queen of the North")

RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars (Temporada 1)[]

  • "I mean, you created something gorgeous from absolute scratch, which is.. more than some other girls." (sobre el look de 'International Queen of Mystery' de Tessa)


  • Pythia es bisexual.[8]
  • Pythia nació y se crió en Grecia y luego se mudó a Montreal a la edad de 14 años.[3][9]
    • Después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria, se mudó a Regina (Saskatchewan) para asistir a la Escuela de Teatro de Regina antes de regresar a Montreal.[10]
      • Esto la convierte en la primera concursante de Canada's Drag Race en representar a Saskatchewan, aunque a través de Quebec.
  • La canción favorita de Pythia para hacer lip sync es "Violence" de Grimes.[11]
  • Pythia es la primera concursante en ganar un Rusical en Canada's Drag Race.
  • Pythia es la segunda concursante de Canada's Drag Race en llegar a la final sin haber estado alguna vez en el "bottom", después de Scarlett BoBo.
  • En cada episodio en el que Pythia ganó el maxi reto, Icesis Couture estuvo entre en el "bottom".


Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars (Temporada 1)[]




Año Título Rol Notas Ref.
2021 Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (2ª/3ª)
2024 RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars (Temporada 1) Ella misma Concursante [12]


Apariciones y colaboraciones[]

Año Título Portada Notas
2021 "Bye, Flop! (Giddy Girls)" ByeFlop GiddyGirlsArtwork de The Cast of Canada's Drag Race
2024 "Everybody Say Love (Latinx Mix)" EverybodySayLoveD'VybeArtwork como D'Vybe

Enlaces externos[]


  1. (EN9 Makeup Must-Haves, According to a Drag Queen | Slice — 28 de octubre de 2020
  2. 2,0 2,1 (EN#TransformationTuesday: QWERRRKOUT feat. Pythia | The WOW Report — 22 de enero de 2019
  3. 3,0 3,1 (ENLet’s Werk! The Season 2 Cast of CANADA’S DRAG RACE is Revealed # # # The Crave Original Series Returns on October 14 | Bell Media — 14 de septiembre de 2021
  4. Pythia | Vision Drag Artists
  5. (ENPublicación de @pythia.queen | Instagram — 4 de octubre de 2022
  6. (ENMeet Pythia | Canada’s Drag Race (Crave Original) | YouTube — 14 de septiembre de 2021
  7. 7,0 7,1 (ENCanada's Drag Race series two: Meet the Queens and Judges | BBC — 9 de diciembre de 2021
  8. (ENTweet de @queenpythia | Twitter — 23 de julio de 2020
  9. (ENMeet the fabulous cast of ‘Canada’s Drag Race’ Season 2 | Etalk — 14 de septiembre de 2021
  10. (ENMondays Are A Drag 002. with Pythia | The Alternative — 7 de marzo de 2022
  11. (ENPost by canadasdragrace | Instagram — 24 de septiembre de 2021
  12. (ENRuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars cast announced, Alyssa Edwards returns with international all-star queens | Entertainment Weekly — 15 de julio de 2024

