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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki
RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World
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La primera temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World fue confirmada oficialmente por World of Wonder el 21 de diciembre de 2021.[1] Se anunció que nueve concursantes de diferentes franquicias de Drag Race competirían en el programa, siendo Reino Unido el anfitrión debutante.[1]

El 17 de enero de 2022, se reveló el elenco, con 9 concursantes de diferentes franquicias de Drag Race con un temática de 'Glamazon Warrior'.[2] Las naciones incluidas en la primera temporada incluyen Canadá, Estados Unidos, Países Bajos, Reino Unido y Tailandia.

En la final, Blu Hydrangea fue coronada Queen of the Mothertucking World. Mo Heart quedó en segundo lugar, y Baga Chipz y Jujubee quedaron en tercer y cuarto lugar. Blu ganó una corona y un cetro de Fierce! Drag Jewels y un viaje completamente pagado a Hollywood para grabar un dueto con RuPaul.


UKvsTW2022Cast NoLogo

(Se indican los nombres artísticos, edades y localizaciones durante el tiempo del concurso)

Puesto Concursante Foto Edad Temporada(s)
Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 Ep. 6
Show de
Ball Rusical Snatch
Rumix Final

Reino Unido Blu Hydrangea BluHydrangeaUKvsTWMiniPromo 25 DRUK1 MEJOR SALV SALV GANÓ NOM3 GANADORA

Estados Unidos Mo Heart MoHeartUKvsTWMiniPromo 34 DR10 SALV MEJOR PEOR NOM4 GANÓ PERDIÓ

AS4 3ª/4ª
3ª/4ª Estados Unidos Jujubee JujubeeUKvsTWMiniPromo 36 DR2 SALV NOM2 NOM2
Mini Reto

AS1 3ª/4ª
AS5 2ª/3ª
Reino Unido Baga Chipz BagaChipzUKvsTWMiniPromo 31 DRUK1 MEJOR SALV SALV GANÓ NOM3 PERDIÓ

Países Bajos Janey Jacké JaneyJackéUKvsTWMiniPromo 28 DRH1 NOM2 GANÓ GANÓ NOM4 ELIM INVI
Tailandia Pangina Heals PanginaHealsUKvsTWMiniPromo 32 DRT Co-presentadora GANÓ MEJOR GANÓ ELIM INVI
Canadá Jimbo JimboUKvsTWMiniPromo 37 CDR1 GANÓ GANÓ ELIM INVI
Reino Unido Cheryl Hole CherylHoleUKvsTWMiniPromo 27 DRUK1 SALV ELIM INVI
Canadá Lemon LemonUKvsTWMiniPromo 25 CDR1 ELIM INVI
La concursante ganó RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World.
La concursante perdió la tercera ronda de lip sync.
La concursante perdió la segunda ronda de lip sync.
La concursante perdió la primera ronda de lip sync.
La concursante ganó el maxi reto y ganó el lip sync.
La concursante ganó el maxi reto, pero perdió el lip sync.
La concursante fue una de las mejores pero no ganó el maxi reto.
La concursante fue una de las peores pero no fue nominada.
La concursante fue nominada, pero no fue eliminada.
La concursante fue nominada y fue eliminada.
La concursante apareció como invitada, pero estaba fuera de la competición.


Series # Episodio # Título Fecha
1 1 Global Glamazons 1 de febrero de 2022
2 2 RuPaul Ball 8 de febrero de 2022
3 3 West End Wendys 15 de febrero de 2022
4 4 Snatch Game 22 de febrero de 2022
5 5 Semifinals 1 de marzo de 2022
6 6 Grand Finale 8 de marzo de 2022

Episodio 1: "Global Glamazons"[]

Estreno: 1 de febrero de 2022


Nine legendary Drag Race queens from around the world enter the Werkroom to compete for the coveted title of Queen of the Mothertucking World. In this opening episode, head judge RuPaul introduces the global glamazons to each other for the first time and sets them their first challenge - to stage their very own royal command performance. With their future in the competition already on the line, each queen is keen to impress as they perform in a talent show fit for a queen. Spice Girls legend Mel C joins Michelle Visage and Graham Norton on the judging panel, as the first queen departs the competition.

Nine Drag Race legends from around the world vie for the title of Queen of the Mothertucking World. Mel C joins the judges as the global glamazons stage their very own royal command performance.

Nine legendary Drag Race queens from around the world enter the Werkroom prepared for fierce battle as they compete for the much coveted title of “Queen of the Mothertucking World." In this opening episode, head judge supremo, RuPaul introduces the global glamazons to each other for the first time and gives them their first challenge - to stage their very own Royal Command performance. Spice Girls legend, Mel C, joins the judging panel as the first queen departs the competition.


Jurado del episodio 1

  • Jueces invitados: Melanie C
  • Maxi reto: Show de talentos
  • Temática de pasarela: I'm A Winner, Baby!
  • Ganadora del maxi reto: Jimbo y Pangina Heals
  • Nominadas: Janey Jacké y Lemon
  • Canción de lip sync: "Say You'll Be There" de Spice Girls
  • Ganadora del lip sync: Pangina Heals
  • Premio del lip sync: Insignia RuPeter dorada
  • Eliminada: Lemon
  • Mensaje de despedida: "To my Top 4: I LOVE YOU, I'M PROUD OF YOU, & YOU'RE ALL DUMB + UGLY ♡ xoxo, Lemon"

Orden de entrada

1 Baga Chipz
2 Blu Hydrangea
3 Cheryl Hole
4 Janey Jacké
5 Jimbo
6 Lemon
7 Pangina Heals
8 Mo Heart
9 Jujubee

Actuaciones del show de talentos

Concursante Actuación Imagen
Lemon Canción original LemonUKvsTWTalentShow
Mo Heart Canto en vivo MoHeartUKvsTWTalentShow
Janey Jacké Lip sync y baile JaneyJackéUKvsTWTalentShow
Baga Chipz Canto en vivo BagaChipzUKvsTWTalentShow
Jimbo Comedia JimboUKvsTWTalentShow
Cheryl Hole Canción original CherylHoleUKvsTWTalentShow
Jujubee Canto en vivo JujubeeUKvsTWTalentShow
Pangina Heals Canción original PanginaHealsUKvsTWTalentShow
Blu Hydrangea Canción original BluHydrangeaUKvsTWTalentShow

Episodio 2: "RuPaul Ball"[]

Estreno: 14 de julio de 2022


The fierce international Drag Race competition continues, and this week it’s the RuPaul Ball! In a celebration of all things RuPaul, the queens must serve three looks on the runway, including an outfit they must create from scratch that Mama Ru herself would want to wear. Bafta-winning comedy star Daisy May Cooper joins Michelle Visage and Alan Carr on the judging panel as another queen sashays away.

Daisy May Cooper joins RuPaul on the judging panel as the international queens face a daunting design challenge - to create a dress that Mama Ru herself might want to wear.

The fierce International Drag Race competition to be crowned Queen of the Mothertucking World continues, and this week it’s the RuPaul Ball! In a celebration of “all things RuPaul” the queens must serve three looks on the runway - including an outfit they must create from scratch that Mama Ru herself would want to wear. Bafta winning comedy star Daisy May Cooper joins the judging panel as another queen sashays away.


Jurado del episodio 2

  • Jurado invitado: Daisy May Cooper
  • Maxi reto: Servir tres looks en el RuPaul Ball, incluyendo un look desde cero que la propia RuPaul querría usar
  • Temáticas de pasarela: Kitty Girl, Butch Queen y You Wear It Well
  • Ganadora del maxi reto: Janey Jacké y Jimbo
  • Nominadas: Cheryl Hole y Jujubee
  • Canción de lip sync: "Supermodel (El Lay Toya Jam)" de RuPaul
  • Ganadora del lip sync: Janey Jacké
  • Premio del lip sync: Insignia RuPeter dorada
  • Eliminada: Cheryl Hole
  • Mensaje de despedida: "I wasn't threatened STILL NOT FRETEND! Love you divas! ♡ XOXO Cheryl Hole P.S. going for that piss now!"

Episodio 3: "West End Wendys"[]

Estreno: 15 de febrero de 2022


The fierce international competition to be crowned Queen of the Mothertucking World continues. Seven global glamazons remain, and this week the pressure amplifies, as their stage presence and their singing and dancing skills are seriously tested in a celebration of musical theatre. The queens are performing West End Wendys - The Rusical. Bridgerton star and Olivier Award winner Jonathan Bailey joins RuPaul on the judging panel alongside Michelle Visage and Graham Norton as another queen sashays away.

Bridgerton star Jonathan Bailey joins RuPaul as guest judge as the international queens are tasked with an all-singing, all-dancing West End Rusical challenge.

The fierce international competition to be crowned Queen of the Mothertucking World continues. Seven global glamazons remain, and this week the pressure amplifies as their stage presence, singing, and dancing skills are seriously tested in a celebration of musical theatre, with the queens performing West End Wendys - The Rusical. Bridgerton star and Olivier Award winner, Jonathan Bailey joins the judging panel as another queen sashays away.


Jurado del episodio 3

  • Invitado especial: Johannes Radebe
  • Jurado invitado: Jonathan Bailey
  • Mini reto: Reading is Fundamental
  • Ganadora del mini reto: Jujubee
  • Maxi reto: Actuar en West End Wendys: The Comeback
  • Ganadora del maxi reto: Janey Jacké y Pangina Heals
  • Temática de pasarela: Dot Dot Dot
  • Nominadas: Jimbo y Jujubee
  • Canción de lip sync: "We like to Party! (The Vengabus)" de Vengaboys
  • Ganadora del lip sync: Pangina Heals
  • Premio del lip sync: Insignia RuPeter dorada
  • Eliminada: Jimbo

West End Wendys: The Comeback

Concursante Papel
Nombre Parodia de Descripción Canción Imagen
Pangina Heals Widdle Orphan Fannie Annie Bennett
A former child star whose tomorrows don't look so bright "Oh What a Sad, Sad Life" PanginaHealsUKvsTWRusical
Baga Chipz Tracy Fatberg Tracy Turnblad
The former 60's dancing star with a teeny addiction to hairspray "I Can't Give Up Hairspray" BagaChipzUKvsTWRusical
Jujubee Lally Bowelz Sally Bowles
The irrepressible performer who's ready for another comeback, mama "Libellous With a Zee" JujubeeUKvsTWRusical
Blu Hydrangea Mariah Gon Trappy Maria von Trapp
(The Sound of Music)
A nun with a dirty, dirty habit "Yodel-Ohhhhh" BluHydrangeaUKvsTWRusical
Mo Heart Dr. Spank-N-Spurter Dr. Frank-N-Furter
(The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
A born-again virgin. Think... Michelle Visage "Born Again Virgin" MoHeartUKvsTWRusical
Janey Jacké Meryl Streep Donna Sheridan-Carmichael
(Mamma Mia!)
The Hollywood megastar who can't say no "Overachiever" JaneyJackéUKvsTWRusical
Jimbo Dodo the Dog Totó
(El mago de Oz)
A Kansas girl's former best friend, who's ready to take her hidden talents over the rainbow "Defying Dorothy" JimboUKvsTWRusical

Episodio 4: "Snatch Game"[]

Estreno: 22 de febrero de 2022


The fierce international competition to be crowned Queen of the Mothertucking World continues, and this week it’s the legendary Drag Race challenge: the Snatch Game... but with a twist! With iconic team captains Katie Price and Michelle Visage at the helm, the queens showcase their best celebrity impressions and improv skills in an attempt to make Mama Ru laugh. As another queen makes her exit, Radio One DJ Clara Amfo and actress Michelle Keegan join RuPaul on the judging panel alongside Michelle Visage. Who will sashay away this week?

Katie Price joins the queens for a new take on the iconic Snatch Game challenge. Radio One DJ Clara Amfo and actress Michelle Keegan guest judge alongside Michelle Visage.

The fierce international competition to be crowned Queen of the Mothertucking World continues, and this week it’s the legendary Drag Race challenge: the Snatch Game... but with a twist! With iconic team captains, Katie Price and Michelle Visage at the helm, the queens showcase their best celebrity impressions and improv skills in an attempt to make Mama Ru laugh. As another queen makes her exit, Radio One DJ Clara Amfo and actress Michelle Keegan join the judging panel. Who will sashay away this week?


Jurado del episodio 4

  • Invitada especial: Katie Price
  • Jurado invitado: Clara Amfo y Michelle Keegan
  • Maxi reto: Snatch Game: Family Edition.
  • Temática de pasarela: Luck Be A Lady
  • Ganadora del maxi reto: Baga Chipz y Blu Hydrangea
  • Nominadas: Janey Jacké, Jujubee, Mo Heart y Pangina Heals
  • Canción de lip sync: "Let it Go" de Alexandra Burke
  • Ganadora del lip sync: Blu Hydrangea
  • Premio del lip sync: Insignia RuPeter dorada
  • Eliminada: Pangina Heals
  • Mensaje de despedida: "I love you all from the bottom of myขอบคุณทุกคนที่รักปันค่ะ"

Snatch Game: Family Edition

Equipo Katie Price Equipo Michelle Visage
Concursante Celebridad Concursante Celebridad
Baga Chipz Kathy Bates
(como Annie Wilkes de Misery)
BagaChipzUKvsTW1SnatchGame Janey Jacké James Charles JaneyJackéUKvsTW1SnatchGame
Pangina Heals Mariah Carey PanginaHealsUKvsTW1SnatchGame Blu Hydrangea Mike Myers
(como Austin Powers de Austin Powers
Mike Myers
(como Dr. Evil de Austin Powers
Jujubee Cher JujubeeUKvsTW1SnatchGame Mo Heart Billy Porter
(como Pray Tell de Pose)

Episodio 5: "Semifinals"[]

Estreno: 1 de marzo de 2022


The fierce international competition to crown the Queen of the Mothertucking World reaches the nail biting semi-finals! This week, the queens are tasked with an all-singing, all-dancing challenge: performing their own version of one of RuPaul’s classic hits. Little Mix star Jade Thirlwall coaches the queens as they record their vocals before joining RuPaul, Michelle Visage and Graham Norton on the judging panel as the fate of yet another queen is decided.

Little Mix star Jade Thirlwall joins RuPaul, Michelle Visage and Graham Norton on the judging panel as the queens take on an all-singing, all-dancing challenge.

The fierce international competition to crown the Queen of the Mothertucking World reaches the nail biting semifinals! This week the queens are tasked with an all singing, all dancing challenge: performing their own version of one of RuPaul’s classic hits. Little Mix star Jade Thirlwall coaches the queens and then joins the judging panel as the fate of yet another queen is decided.


Jurado del episodio 5

  • Juez invitado: Jade Thirlwall
  • Maxi reto: Interpretar su propia versión de uno de los éxitos clásicos de RuPaul en un reto de canto y baile
  • Temática de pasarela: Werk of Art
  • Ganadora del maxi reto: Jujubee y Mo Heart
  • Nominadas: Baga Chipz, Blu Hydrangea y Janey Jacké
  • Canción de lip sync: "Toy" de Netta
  • Ganadora del lip sync: Jujubee
  • Premio del lip sync: Insignia RuPeter dorada
  • Eliminada: Janey Jacké
  • Mensaje de despedida: "Life is one big f**king fantasy as long as you believe it! XOXO Janey 💘"

Living My Life in London

Concursante Ciudad
Baga Chipz Soho
Blu Hydrangea Belfast
Janey Jacké Ámsterdam
Jujubee Boston
Mo Heart Hollywood

Top 4 de la temporada 1

Concursantes Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5
Show de
Ball Rusical Snatch
TeamJujubeeUKvsTW1Square SALV NOM2 NOM2 NOM4 GANÓ

Episodio 6: "Grand Finale"[]

Estreno: 8 de marzo de 2022


It's the Grand Finale! The UK hosted as nine legendary Drag Race queens from around the world, entered the workroom to compete for the title of Queen of the World and now, six weeks later, RuPaul is about to crown his winner. Which queen will be elevated to true legendary status and do their country proud? For the first time in Drag Race UK herstory, the finalists must battle it out in a Lip Sync Smackdown for the crown. Before they do, however, there's some unfinished business to settle as the eliminated queens return for a final showdown.

The queens take on a Lip Sync Smackdown in the Grand Finale! Michelle Visage and Graham Norton are on hand as RuPaul crowns the first-ever Queen of the Mothertucking World.

It’s the grand finale! The UK hosted as nine legendary Drag Race queens from around the world entered the workroom to compete for the title of “Queen of the Mothertucking World”. Six weeks later, RuPaul is about to crown the winner. Which queen will be elevated to true legendary status and do their country proud? For the first time in Drag Race UK herstory the finalists must battle it out in a Lip Sync Smackdown for the crown. Before they do, however, there’s some unfinished business to settle as the eliminated queens return for a final showdown.


Jurado del episodio 6

  • Invitados especiales: Alan Carr, Billy Porter, Elton John y Naomi Campbell
  • Temática de pasarela: Grand Finale Eleganza Extravaganza
  • Parejas de los lip sync:
    • Baga Chipz contra Mo Heart
    • Blu Hydrangea contra Jujubee
  • Canciones de los lip sync:
    • "Domino" de Jessie J (Baga Chipz contra Mo Heart)
    • "The Reflex" de Duran Duran (Blu Hydrangea contra Jujubee)
    • "Supernova" de Kylie Minogue (Mo Heart contra Blu Hydrangea)
  • Ganadora de la temporada 1 de RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World: Blu Hydrangea
  • Finalista: Mo Heart

Lip sync por la corona

  "Domino" / "The Reflex"     "Supernova"    
  Mo Heart GANÓ  
  Baga Chipz PERDIÓ        
        Blu Hydrangea GANÓ
        Mo Heart PERDIÓ  
  Blu Hydrangea GANÓ    
  Jujubee PERDIÓ  


Looks de las concursantes Looks no emitidos Videogalería
Gallery pic
¡Échale un vistazo a la galería de looks para ver los looks de las concursantes por episodio!
Elim Gallery pic
Echa un vistazo a la galería para ver los looks planificados de las concursantes eliminadas para cada episodio.
Echa un vistazo a la videogalería para ver los retos, pasarelas, lip syncs, ¡y más!



  1. 1,0 1,1 (ENPost by worldofwonder | Instagram — 21 de diciembre de 2021
  2. (NLSeizoen 7, aflevering 1: Interview met Janey Jacké (UKvsTW) en recap S14E01/E02! | Spotify — 20 de enero de 2022

