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"The name Sminty Drop comes from me being a on a night out and wanting to kiss some boys so I would always take some mints with me just in case! But, I’m also a very clumsy girl so I would always drop said mints on the floor so… Sminty Drop I became!"[5]
Maxi retos ganados:
Mini retos ganados:
1 (Ep. 3)
Veces como capitana:
Veces nominada:
1 (Ep. 4)
Episodio eliminada:
Episodio 4
Frases memorables[]
RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Temporada 4)[]
"I've been doing drag for about three years now. There was a year before that but I was really busted so I count that as a trial run." (en el Meet the Queens)
"I had a good 8.3 seconds in the new Duran Duran music video. I don't really know who they are but my mum says they're really big." (en el Meet the Queens)
"I am in the House of Kendoll with Gothy Kendoll, who is infamously the biggest loser of Drag Race UK." (en el Meet the Queens)
"Let's ride, losers." (frase de entrada)
"I hope she's prepared to be pushed in front of a bus by me!" (sobre Starlet)
"Manchester mannequin, got the dolls panickin'. Legs long, tum tight, tell me, can you handle it? Blow you away with a glossy kiss. Modern renaissance with a bad girl twist. They packed big, but I'm packing bigger. Your fees are low then you can watch my figure. Oh my gosh, like who is she? S-M-I-N-T-Y D-R-O-P!" (verso en "Come Alive")
"[haciendo twerking triste y llorando]" (frase de salida)
Mensaje de despedida[]
"The Manchester Mannequin started panicking, but this is NOT the last runway you'll see me on ♡. Sminty ♡"
Sminty es la segunda miembro de Haus of Kendoll en ser eliminada en su primer lip sync, tras Gothy Kendoll.
Coincidentemente, Sminty fue eliminada en el mismo episodio en el que discutió su relación con Haus of Kendoll en la pasarela durante las críticas de los jueces.
Hasta su eliminación, Sminty estuvo en "safe" en su temporada.
Después de su eliminación, Sminty robó el chicle espiritual de Dakota. Más tarde se lo dijo a Dakota en el Manchester Pride.[7]