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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

Suki Doll es una artista drag y una de las concursantes de la segunda temporada de Canada's Drag Race. Fue votada como la Miss Simpatía de la temporada.

Origen de su nombre drag

"The origin of the name comes from her upbringing with her mother who taught her love and its limitless boundary. Therefore Suki is born under the form of a Doll, to be cherished by all."[5]


Canada T2
Miss Simpatía
Maxi retos ganados: 0
Mini retos ganados: 1 (Ep. 1)
Veces como capitana: 0
Veces nominada: 1 (Ep. 4)
Episodio eliminada: Episodio 4

Frases memorables

Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)

  • "Did somebody order combo number five? Suki surf is sizzling hot." (frase de entrada)
  • "Suki, she's gonna give it to you." (tras ganar el primer mini reto)
  • "Eve, I know a theater queen and you put on a good show. Cry for the camera honey."
  • "That’s what your boyfriend said last night!"
  • "Go horny or go home."
  • "It looks like it's a double penetration! Lucky girl!"
  • "I was like, 'where is the laughing button?'"
  • "What do you do when you have the task, you take it, you cry about it? 'I didn't get what I wanted!', that's privilege. I'm sorry."
  • "Well, bitches, start paying! This ain't free. So you think this wig is free?"
  • "Don't you guys cry. You know you look ugly when you cry."
  • "I am feeling so confident. Sex? It's oozing all over the orifices over my body."
  • "A wise Suki once said, all drag is valid, and boys in skirts is a yes. So keep that in mind, and never put your foot forward with prejudice." (frase de salida)
  • "I know Eve had like a moment... several moments."

Mensaje de despedida

"My Dolls, No matter where you come from... Be proud. Be loud! Take life by its throat. Muahh Suki xox."



Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2)




Año Título Rol Notas Ref.
2021 Canada's Drag Race (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (9ª)

Enlaces externos


  1. Perfil de @_thesukidoll | Instagram
  2. (PTWho's That Queen? Suki Doll | Draglicious — 22 de diciembre de 2021
  3. (ENPublicación de @_thesukidoll | Instagram — 4 de julio de 2020
  4. 4,0 4,1 (ENCanada's Drag Race series two: Meet the Queens and Judges | BBC — 9 de diciembre de 2021
  5. (ENHome | The Suki Doll |
  6. (ENPublicación de @canadasdragrace | Instagram — 24 de septiembre de 2021

