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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

Tia Kofi es una artista drag y una de las concursantes de la segunda temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race UK.

Más tarde, regresaría para competir en la segunda temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World, donde finalmente fue ganadora.

Origen de su nombre drag[]

Su nombre es un juego de palabras con "tea or coffee?". Como parte de su confesionario inicial de entrada, Tia bromeó diciendo que su nombre es en honor a Tia Mowry de "Sister Sister" y el exsecretario general de las Naciones Unidas, Kofi Annan.


Maxi retos ganados: 0 4 (Eps. 3, 4, 5, 7)
Mini retos ganados: 1 (Ep. 2) 1 (Ep. 5)
Veces como capitana: 0 0
Veces nominada: 3 (Eps. 3, 5, 6) 0
Episodio eliminada: Episodio 6 N/A

Frases memorables[]

RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Temporada 2)[]

  • "It is finally time to spill the Tia. RUVEAL...! It's not a ruveal, soz..." (frase de entrada)
  • "Oh my god, it is finally happening!" (segunda frase de entrada, tras la cuarentena)
  • "I’m Tia Kofi, and I am a lovely brown caffeinated beverage! Drink it up. Delicious!"
  • "Are you having a laugh?" (a A'Whora)
  • "Did I finish my degree? Not so much, but it was philosophy, that was basically just thinking. I can do that, don’t worry about it."
  • "I'm excited to see everyone getting out of drag! They all look quite different. Ginny looks the same, but everyone else looks quite different!"
  • "I am serving you Robin Hood realness. And d’you know what else? I’m serving you a lot of leg. You’re welcome."
  • "Whoever won by playing safe? Except in the context of sexual health."
  • "Oh I won't repeat it dear." (a Lawrence Chaney)
  • "Lawrence, you haven't said much which is a first!"
  • "I am serving you... an adequate dress... made of material that is on my body. Vintage? No. Elegant? No! Still stuck on me? Just about! The judges seem vaguely amused by what is happening before them, and I'm okay with that."
  • "I think you're gonna say: It's stunning and you should've been in the top, because is a sensational garment, and in fact, you wanna wear it yourself because it's so well constructed." (a Michelle Visage cuando le preguntaron sobre su look de 'Who Wore It Best?')
  • "Oooh, that looks delicious! It'd go perfect with your afternoon Tia!"
  • "You're a camp cow, you're a camp cow, stunning! I'ma hit the ground, gonna hit the ground running. Call me Miss Kofi, but girl, there's no filter. The glamourous geek who will throw you off kilter. I'ma take the crown, just wait and I'll show ya. Slayin' the UK, from the Shetlands to Dover. I'm the queen, when the beat hits, better face it. That'll be the last time you ever call me basic." (verso en "UK Hun?")
  • "And if I was judging it, I’d have finished my sentence"
  • "I did try and learn a bit of Dutch so I don't have to read the subtitles on Drag Race Holland, and then Dutch was like, hard? So I didn't learn that much!"
  • "One of my favourite phrases is: 'Neuken in de keuken!', which means: 'fuck in the kitchen!'"
  • "That’s a new nose, new cheeks, new teeth, who dis?"
  • "No, I just have a really fat ass."
  • "Are you sure? Are you sure- I don't have any plans or anything... are you sure? Alright." (tras decirle "sashay away")
  • "Don't shed a Tia, I guess Ru just ordered her Kofi to go?" (frase de salida)

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2)[]

  • "[...] Doing a roly-poly in front of RuPaul dressed as an ice cream cone is a moment for history." (en el Meet the Queens)
  • "I'm not a baby 'ccino anymore... I'm a full-sized Grande latte with oat milk... 'cause I don't like dairy." (en el Meet the Queens)
  • "I've been stuck backstage for 3 years, and not one of you came to look for me." (frase de entrada)
  • "I'm known for my spectacular looks- no I'm just kidding. An ice-cream cone, a pterodactyl, a dress with a hole in my armpit. Why did you invite me back?!"
  • "We're 4 UK queens... representing ONE challenge win!"
  • "Keta’s mind is a whirlpool of nonsense."
  • "Are you sure? It's too late... You can't take it back now." (tras ganar)

Mensaje de despedida[]

RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Temporada 2)[]

"You're all camp cows! Be proud. Be kind. Give it 100% #Tiawozrobbed x"



RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Temporada 2)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2)[]




Año Título Rol Notas Ref.
2021 RuPaul's Drag Race UK (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (7ª)
2024 RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs The World (Temporada 2) Ella misma Concursante (1ª) [7]


Apariciones y colaboraciones[]

Año Título Portada Notas
2021 "Rats:
The Rusical"
RatsTheRusicalArtwork by The Cast of RuPaul's Drag Race UK, Season 2
2021 "UK Hun?
(Bananadrama Version)"
UKHunBananadramaArtwork by The Cast of RuPaul's Drag Race UK, Season 2

Enlaces externos[]


