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RuPaul's Drag Race Wiki

Yvie Oddly es una artista drag, diseñadora y rapera, así como la ganadora de la undécima temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race.

Yvie regresó para aparecer en RuPaul's Drag Race Vegas Revue, donde la siguen mientras se prepara para liderar el espectáculo de residencia RuPaul's Drag Race Live! junto a otras concursantes.

Posteriormente, regresó en la temporada 7 de RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, la primera temporada de All Winners de Drag Race.

Origen de su nombre drag[]

El nombre de "Yvie Oddly" fue inspirado por las personas que llamaban a sus actuaciones extrañas, y quería un nombre que fuera "incluso más extraño que el de todos los demás" para que coincidiera.[4] También es un guiño al juego de palabras "even and odds" (pares e impares).[5]


RPDR T11 All Stars T7
Maxi retos ganados: 1 (Ep. 2) 1 (Ep. 6)
Mini retos ganados: 0 0
Veces como capitana: 0 0
Veces nominada: 1 (Ep. 8) N/A
Episodio eliminada: N/A Episodio 11

Frases memorables[]

RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 11)[]

  • "Move over ladies, this race just took an odd turn." (frase de entrada)
  • "I am Denver's commodity of drag oddity."
  • "I'm just here to shock and suck cock."
  • "I need you to be angrier with that bell." (a Adore Delano)
  • "I'm mad at the lack of olives!"
  • "I'm just a plain old heteronormative girl."
  • "All of my best friends have been drag queens! [risa]"
  • "An eerie foreshadowing of something to come!"
  • "Girl, these mini challenges are teaching me the real meaning of beauty."
  • "I'm just here to have her sign my baby."
  • "There's that one about two people..." (cuando le piden nombrar 5 canciones de 'Seduction' en el mini reto del episodio 3)
  • "What does that HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING BITCH?!" (a Silky durante el "Untucked" del episodio 3)
  • "Send me home 'cause I'm injured."
  • "I'm a little pissed that you tried to throw me under the bus because I'm "injured" when I finished our routine, with my sprained ankle doing shit you could not dream of and that you tried to throw me under the bus after you put on some stretch fabric bullshit and covered it in beans." (a Silky durante el "Untucked" del episodio 7)
  • "Off a dumpster that was in the Top 3, so check it and then wreck it." (durante su continua discusión con Silky en el "Untucked")
  • "You think being safe every week is going to get you somewhere?" (a Silky)
  • "I'll dance circles around your ass." (a Silky)
  • "That's because Sasha Velour was talented."
  • "Let's give pats on the back to mediocrity and beans!" (a Silky sobre su desempeño en el programa durante el episodio 7 de "[Untucked]]")
  • "Because like that's really cute to say, but you're also the bitch who was like 'Well...I guess...the one girl who I wanna go home is Yvie, cuz she fought me.'" (a Vanessa Vanjie Mateo durante el "Untucked" del episodio 7)
  • "I THINK YOU'RE A FUCKING TERRIBLE SISTER! 'CAUSE I AM NOT ON HERE TO FUCKING HIDE AROUND THE CORNERS AND BE LIKE [susurra] hey girl." (a Vanessa Vanjie Mateo durante el "Untucked" del episodio 7)
  • "I am FUCKING done with this SHIT!"
  • "I DON'T NEED CORDIAL, BITCH. I NEED REAL!" (a Vanessa Vanjie Mateo durante el "Untucked" del episodio 7)
  • "Bitch, you literally just talked about how you thought Scarlet should have went home after the first fucking dance!" (a Silky)
  • "I'm Yvie Oddly and oddly enough, my edges stay shredded but these tits are tough. When other girls fake, I just call out their bluff, so glue on those shoes and tighten them tucks. And I know I play rough, but that's how I tumble, I bend over backwards whenever I fumble. I'm giving my all to shine like RuPaul, so pardon me bitches if I don't seem humble. Odd bless, how are you? [risa]" (verso en "Queens Everywhere")
  • "Follow your oddities and fly your freak flag!" (al ganar)

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 7)[]

  • "Don't mind me, I just evened the odds." (frase de entrada)
  • "Oddly, it's Yvie. I can't be beaten believe me. Freaky like Friday I won the crown my way and I'll make this next one look easy. Queen of the queerdos, teaching the kids to live freely, I keep on growing past what they all know 'cause you can't fit my legend on TV." (verso en "Legends")
  • "I give really good head..."
  • "Baby, I'm your baby, you're my baby, I'll love you forever, never maybe, if you ever need me you can page me and I'll call you from this flip phone 'til I'm 80, our connection is amazing, dial up my modem and I'll never keep you waiting, baby, baby, baby!" (verso en "2getha 4eva")



RuPaul's Drag Race (Temporada 11)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 12)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race Vegas Revue[]

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 5)[]


RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars (Temporada 7)[]


Enlaces externos[]


  1. 1,0 1,1 (ENHow 'Drag Race' Queen Yvie Oddly Sets Limits to Manage Her EDS Symptoms | The Mighty — 30 de agosto de 2019
  2. (ENTweet de @OddlyYvie | Twitter — 10 de marzo de 2019
  3. (ENPublicación de OddlyYvie | Facebook — 22 de agosto de 2020
  4. (ENMeet Yvie Oddly: 'Authentic & Conceptual' | RuPaul's Drag Race Season 11 | YouTue — 24 de enero de 2019
  5. (EN'Ru Paul's Drag Race' All Stars Share Name Origin Stories | Youtube — 11 de julio de 2022
  6. (ENYVIE ODDLY on #NotTooDeep // Grace Helbig | YouTube — 21 de septiembre de 2020
  8. (ENMeet Yvie Oddly: The Winner of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Season 11 | Cheat Sheet — 9 de noviembre de 2021
  9. (ENHere's How Much Money Queens Spent to Compete on RuPaul's Drag Race | Pride — 6 de diciembre de 2022
  10. (ENRuPaul's Drag Race season 11 queens stun in EW's exclusive portraits | Entertainment Weekly — 27 de febrero de 2019
  11. (ENSee Drag Race winners reunite in EW's stunning All Stars 7 portraits | Entertainment Weekly — 26 de abril de 2022

